terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013

Pensamentos para partilhar

It remains the dream of every life to realize itself, to reach out and lift oneself up to greater heights.
A life that continues to remain on the safe side of its own habits and repetitions, that never engages with the risk of its own possibility, remains an unlived life. There is within each heart a hidden voice that calls out for freedom and creativity. We often linger for years in spaces that are too small and shabby for the grandeur of our spirit...


4 comentários:

  1. Tenho sempre uma certa inveja da forma como te comprometes com o yoga. Gostava de ter essa força de vontade... Beijinhos

  2. Acredita Raquel,é puramente instintivo, está em mim, não há como explicar. Eu odeio exercício físico, sempre fui uma atada, mas o yoga é outra coisa, sai-me naturalmente.

  3. I couldn't agree more with John O'Donohue. Let's regard life as a challenge. Let's sometimes try to leave our comfort zone behind. Life is indeed too short to be wasted.


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